door miekekunst | apr 1, 2018 | Teaching, Travel
Like I told you in an earlier story I had an invitation for the 2-years Gathering of Australian Basketmakers. We arrived on Wednesday April 26 in Natural Bridge, Queensland. This village lays in the neighbourhood of Brisbane and the Gold Coast. It is a beautful area...
door miekekunst | apr 1, 2018 | Travel
So where to start in time with my blog? Maybe last year because this year is to short to have much happened in. 2017 was a year with the titel ‘Australia’. Actually, it started in 2015 with a visit at my home by Jo Stone from Australia. She was visiting...
door miekekunst | apr 1, 2018 | News
Time is what you need to do all the things you want to do in live. Time is what you need to do all the things you have to do in live. These two, the have to do and the want to do are often fighting over time. Spring is coming in now and that means there are different...